Friday, December 18, 2009

Imma Agustina is...

Imma Agustina is..updating her facebook status

Hihihi..lagi rame salah satu artis lokal kita yg cakep (yg pasti ga mirip gw lahh)
gara2nya nih dia posting status di social networking site a.k.a twitter.
Jadi keinget kejadian yg nimpa gw, ga punya twitter sih cukup facebook aja.
Ada satu hari dimana gw didamprat (damn!!) ama seorang mami yg mulutnya busuk banget..i said this coz she ruined my day.
Ok then..just like usual people suddenly it come on my mind i want to post what i'm feeling on that day in my facebook. Sugar honey ice tea..i opened my facebook and there are few message in inbox, my heart just throbbed i can feel that negative energy..and bang! yep i just got another sh*t from woman who consider she's the most know everything, the wisest in the earth or fact she's just another sl*t who act as a saint.
Thanks to you all..the women who totally ruined my day and haunting me till now.

I can feel what you feel Luna..wish that we're friend, that's why my facebook status is
"Buat luna, ati2 yah update status di fesbuk,twitter ato sebangsanya..: belajar dari pengalamanku dihantui ma kuntilanak sesaat setelah update status hihihi loool ;p"

PS. sorry my bad languange , at least i throw my negative emotional here not to anyone ^_^

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quotation of the day

Hasil jalan2 ke salah satu blog yg isinya sharing/curcolan (halah ikutan latah basa masa kini) orang2. Hmm nice quotation, i should make a positive movement. Hopefully this failing relationship means that i'll getting closer to my Mr.Right. Unfortunately i just break up two times in my life (..wait a second am i already officially break up this time??).

"Take a second out to think about this: in your life you search and search for the right person for you. Every time you break up with someone you get one step closer to that person. You should look at moving on as getting closer to meeting the one. "

Ian Philpot

Sunday, December 6, 2009

F*ck You Very Much

Sounds rude ehh?!

Hehe..jgn keburu mikir yg engga2 ini cuma lagu kok
for me it's kinda nice song, melodynya lucu..innocent tp pake lirik yg cukup provokatif
dengan aksen Lily Allen yg kental bgt aksen britishnya. Hmm bnernya sih ga tau pasti apa arti dibalik liriknya (orang basa inggris-nya wong ndeso yaa mepet2 deh)
Bisa juga nih dinyanyiin di depan org yg pengen banget lu teriakin f*ck you di depan mukanya..huahaha it's too provotatif then

Look inside
Look inside
Your tiny mind
Then look a bit harder
Cos we're so uninspired
So sick and tired
Of all
The hatred you harbour

So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think
You're just evil
You're just some racist
Who can't tie my laces
You're point of view
Is medevil

F*ck you, f*ck you
Very, very much
Cos we hate
What you do
And we hate
Your whole crew
So please
Don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you
Very, very much
Cos your words
Don't translate
And it's getting
Quite late
So please
Don't stay in touch

Do you get
Do you get
A little kick out
Of being
Small minded
You want to be
Like your father
His approval
Your after
Well that's not how
You'll find it

Do you
Do you really enjoy
Living a life
That's so hateful
Cos there's a hole
Where your soul
Should be
You're losing
Control of it
And it's really

Fuck you, fuck you
Very, very much
Cos we hate
What you do
And we hate
Your whole crew
So please
Don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you
Very, very much
Cos your words
Don't translate
And it's getting
Quite late
So please
Don't stay in touch

Look inside
Your tiny mind
Then look a bit harder
Cos we're so uninspired
So sick and tired
Of all
The hatred you harbour

Fuck you, fuck you
Very, very much
Cos we hate
What you do
And we hate
Your whole crew
So please
Don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you
Very, very much
Cos your words
Don't translate
And it's getting
Quite late

So please
Don't stay in touch

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Making decision

To make a decision..

Tidak bisa dilakukan secara tergesa, terdesak dan dalam kondisi tertekan dari suatu tekanan apapun.
Bisa jadi suatu keputusan yg kita ambil sudah melalui proses pertimbangan ini itu yg memerlukan waktu cukup lama.
Apapun itu keputusan yg paling baik adalah yg datang dari hati kita sendiri

Teringat ketika aku memutuskan untuk menerima tantangan itu darimu (kuanggap menikah adalah suatu tantangan sekaligus bayangan kebahagiaan),yg ada di kepalaku hanyalah bayangan indah tentang "pernikahan".
Having someone whom always there as shoulder to cry on, share thoughts, laugh and pain, and imagine our small family that we're going to build.

seperti pecahan kaca yg meluncur cepat mengenai wajahku..luka itu
bagaimanapun aku berusaha mengobatinya, tp luka itu tetap akan membekas..

So I should make another decision, will I carry on this challenge??
I haven't make a decision..not yet, I should really careful to decide

Newbie at blogspot

6 Dec 2009

I'm joining blogspot, hihii..
Actually i already have one in multiply, it just i want to have one blog which more personal. Not to mention my name or others name on my address.
Also some of friends have their blog in blogspot, so i can share with them more personally

For blogspot..just wait my next post
Hopefully i can enjoy writing here ^_'